My latest book
The system was rigged 10,000 years ago to ensure that men ruled the roost and women provided the backup services.
Yep. It's been going on for a long time. No wonder it seems unchangeable.
The system that perpetuates inequality still rolls on mostly unnoticed; in fact, it’s perceived as natural. My book, “Busting the Myths of Mars and Venus, Gender: Reality, Myth or Disaster, demonstrates how and why.
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It took me ten years of research to write this book. I wanted to know: why is it so and what can we do about it?
The root cause is Sexism which, like Racism, assumes the superiority of one group over another and the control and exploitation of the group considered inferior.
The justification for and maintenance of Sexism, depend on the belief in gender stereotypes. Feminine and masculine. Sex and gender are not the same thing. Sex is based on our genitals, and we are labelled male and female. Then once labelled male or female, we are taught to perform accordingly regardless of individual potential. That performance is gender. Males must perform in a certain way to be considered masculine. Females must perform in a different manner to be considered feminine. Babies born with a combination of male and female genitals or hidden organs, do not fit neatly into this gender polarity. In fact, no one does.
Female is a fact. Feminine is an act. Not a pretence but a performance. Something we are taught from the moment we are born. Likewise, masculine is a performance. The problem is not men or women themselves, but a social system that is rigged and reinforced.
Behaviour that is considered appropriate for each sex, varies from culture to culture but they all have one thing in common these days: men have higher status, higher reward and privileges that most women can only dream about.
What privileges?
Here are some male privileges most males take for granted and are even unaware of:
time to themselves,
time and opportunity to develop their potential,
uninterrupted time to learn or practice a skill,
acceptance that their education and careers are important and should be supported,
higher pay in trades and careers numerically dominated by men while female dominated careers in teaching and caring are undervalued and underpaid,
higher pay than women even for the same work,
greater benefits at retirement from superannuation, and full time work and promotions,
no career interruptions or limits to promotion due to carer or family responsibilities,
relief from the unfair burden of family responsibilities even while working in paid employment,
no expectation that their labour should be provided for love,
freedom from constant harassment and predatory behaviour of men,
freedom from fear in the streets, the parks or their own homes,
actually being listened to and taken seriously,
treated as a fellow human being whose opinions are important,
judgement on their appearance rather than their ideas or actions,
acceptance of their authority and their right to lead or rule,
patronisation, mansplaining and having men take credit for their work,
acceptance as individuals with personal talents and flaws while women are seen as a clump with all the same flaws, and limitations or skills and behavioural quirks.
It wasn't always this way. We now know that earlier cultures were egalitarian. Both sexes were equally respected and roles and tasks were not as rigidly divided as we had assumed. Both sexes contributed to the decisions of the family and tribe. Both sexes hunted and fought.
As agriculture replaced hunting-gathering, women’s status took a nose-dive around the world. You'll find out why in this book. Since then, no country on earth has yet achieved full equality of the sexes.
Laws have changed in some countries, but systems and many attitudes have not. Control of women, violence against women, refusal to listen to women or acknowledge and reward women's equal worth and contribution continue.
In addition, the fight for women's equality does not proceed in a straight progression of improvement. Women's gains in one era can be lost in another. Cultures change and with those changes can come a reversal of women's progress. Rulers and ruling religions change. Most religions place considerable emphasis on the place and control of women, particularly women's sexuality and their subordination to men. Women's struggle has been one of toing and froing, two steps forward and one step backwards. No win can be considered permanent or taken for granted. Women's role in society is so valuable that it is vulnerable to changes in economics, war, population, politics, prejudice and male ego.
In this book, I describe how this system is maintained in spite of changes to laws, and why gender equality is so difficult to achieve. And if you want to help create a fairer safer society populated by people who have the opportunity to be themselves, develop their full potential and live peaceful more prosperous lives, on a planet that is thriving rather than dying, you'll find plenty of ideas for actions you can take.-- starting with yourself and your family - then this is the book for you.