Current Writing
Now that Down To Earth: Book 1, Busting the Myths of Mars and Venus is finished, I am planning Book 2.
Many people either tell me women have equality now, or we don't need to fight anymore because it's all sorted. And yet, we need only look around to see that a certain type of men still run almost everything and the outcome is not a pretty sight.
Double standards for men and women prevail, violence against women has not diminished and women still don't have equal reward, recognition, influence, respect or time for themselves compared with men.
Men are also under considerable pressure to conform to and perform a "masculine" set of behaviours that crush a great deal of their personal humanity, leading to depression, suicide and violence. Our little boys are subjected to a psychic lobotomy whereby at least if not most of their humanity is repressed in the creation of "the masculine man" - this has repercussions. Teaching boys that they must never ever behave like a girl, builds contempt and even fear of the feminine particularly within themselves.
Among a growing number of men, hatred towards women and violent action towards them and other vulnerable groups, is becoming more common. The internet is filled with their trolling and frightening expressions of hate, and they are recruiting more to their way of thinking daily.
The future world for our grandchildren of both sexes or all genders is looking bleak as men continue down the same suicidal path of manufactured and manipulated ego and honour that has driven their control of the world to the destruction now facing us. A win at all costs mentality.
The answer is not that women should run the world but that the balanced input of both sexes is needed to restore harmony and fairness, without the manipulated posturing of gender roles. And rational fair minded women and men need to work together to stop the lemming-like rush to the abyss. Allowing men who have lost half their humanity to run our world, is a recipe for disaster which we have seen for centuries but the pace is quickening and we must act.
Men and boys must not be taught that women and girls are alien weaker beings needing protection. Both sexes and all genders must stand together in mutual respect to create a better world. If we do not, our species and the planet are doomed.
The good news is that we can change this. Our children and grandchildren, our planet and the creatures who live on it need our action NOW. This book will raise the necessary awareness, provide the knowledge to arm ourselves for a reversal of the suicide path we are on. It's up to each one of us in our daily lives and particularly in our child raising.
I am writing this book as a guide. Making the change is up to you.